‘How my son went from gamer to compulsive gambler’

The NHS has opened its first clinic for young people addicted to gaming and gambling, a year after a Gambling Commission report found that 55,000 11-to-16-year-olds in the UK were…

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Genting Casino Closure Puts 1,600 Jobs At Risk

Genting Casinos says 1,642 employees in the UK could face losing their jobs, despite plans to reopen venues. The GMB union said there were also plans to close three clubs…

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Gambling addiction clinic set to serve north of England

An NHS clinic for gambling addiction, the only one outside London, is set to be based in Leeds. The new service is to provide a range of treatments for severe…

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Man takes legal action after Betfred nullifies £1.7m jackpot win

A man who scooped £1.7m on an online game with Betfred is taking legal action against the firm after it refused to pay out. Andrew Green, 52, from North Hykeham,…

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