Ito’s injury, Bayern Munich Gap turned the relationship upside down…”I’m holding onto Derek.”

The possibility of Licht's stay is expected as Bayern Munich was likely to release him. German media Lan said on the 29th (local time), "Bayern Munich defender Ito has been…

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38위와 39번째 연속 ‘방’ 등 39회 연속 홈 런타임 홈런 속도를 가질 수 있을 것이다.

뉴욕 양키스의 아론 판사는 하루 만에 다시 작업을 시작했다.그는 2년 만에 60홈런 홈런을 쳤다.판사는 목요일 필라델피아 필리스에 있는 필라델피아 필리스 파크 파크 파크에 대항하여 2개의 안타와 3개의 안타와 3개의 안타를…

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The same pace as the 1962 Mets…Will the White Sox, who lost their second “10 in a row” this season, be the “worst team” in MLB history?

The New York Mets in 1962 and the Detroit Tigers in 2003. What they have in common is that they are considered the worst team in Major League history. After…

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Manchester UX Liverpool X Tottenham X Arsenal are all interested… their team ‘may sell’

João Gomez is attracting attention from big Premier League clubs. "Liverpool, Tottenham Hotspur, Arsenal and Manchester United are interested in Gomez," transfer market expert Rudy Galetti said on his SNS…

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